(Yes, we are all played by the same person!)
PROFESSOR OH teaches Korean language and culture on Youtube, quenching the thirst of insight-seeking enthusiasts. She is the main host of KWOW. She loves to read, travel and write.
Ever since she was born, BILLY JIN wanted to be a K-POP superstar. Legend has it that she was singing and dancing before she came out of her mother’s womb! Her hobbies include: shooting laser beams from her fingers and shopping.
TAEKWON DO is Billy Jin’s boyfriend. He loves food. Not just Korean food. He loves all kinds of food. It’s a miracle he doesn’t have a triple chin. In his free time, Billy Jin drags him to the NRB (noraebang).
GRANNY KIM may walk like a snail, but dances like a boss. If you’re too shy to dance, she will spank you. “That should get the kids movin’!” she says. ;)
Taekwon Do’s best friend HYUNGMIN. During the day he manages his Korean BBQ restaurant. At night he parties at his own nightclub.
BONGJA is most famous for her voluminous hair. Bongja’s lifestyle can be described with one word: BIG. Big hair, big rings, and big fur coats. (Note to PETA: Bongja does not wear real fur. She loves animals too much.)
Known for her whispery commercials, CF GIRL needs more screen time. (For those who don’t know yet, in Korea CF stands for “commercial film.”) CF girl has a name, but wishes to maintain her privacy for the time being. She likes to be mysterious.
Keep an eye out for MADISON LEE. Her talents include gossiping and flipping her hair. If she’s not starting drama, she’s escalating it. They don’t call her Drama Mama for nothing!
AJUSSHI works too much and sleeps too little. You can’t help but feel sorry for the guy. Buy him a shot of soju when you see him!
AJOOMA is the best cook ever. You’ll see her at the grocery store wearing mismatched patterned clothing. Her daughter is Billy Jin.
Professor Oh’s STUDENT falls asleep in class, but manages to ask questions and is occasionally surprised.
Meet the most famous ghost in Korea: the virgin ghost. Learn more about her here! http://youtu.be/7UuxHuyue_U