14 Korean Celebs Playing the Pepero Kiss Game — SweetandtastyTV

Everyday is a good day to play the Pepero Kiss Game, especially when there are Kpop stars involved! Watch enough Korean entertainment shows and you're bound to see your bias partaking on this fun and flirty activity.

How do you play? As explained and demonstrated in my latest YouTube video, there are two players for each round. Each player puts one end of the Pepero stick into their mouth and bite away. Their lips inch closer and closer. The goal is to leave as little of the stick as possible while barely planting a kiss on one another.

When playing in groups, the duo with the shortest remaining stick wins! When playing with just you and one other person, simply have a good laugh and enjoy the chocolate.

Now let's watch some Korean celebs get hot and competitive over the Pepero Kiss Game.

1. Gary & Song Jihyo on Running Man

Gary goes from the martial arts "Crane Pose" to passionate kiss mode!

2. Soyeon (T-ara) & Oh Jong-hyuk

Many couples compete! How many centimeters long is their chocolate stick at the end of the round?

3. Super Junior's Henry & Yewon (using bread!)

Amber's reaction is even funnier than the actual game.

4. f(x)'s Amber & Tasty's Soryong (also using bread!)

Amber says, "Bite more more more more." Llamas are the best!

5. Yura (Girl's Day) & Hong Jong-hyun

As seen on "We Got Married," this couple had to get their stick shorter than 2 cm to win a travel prize! Did they make the cut?

6. Rainbow's Yoonhye & F.T. Island's Hongki

The shortest Pepero Kiss Game I've ever laid eyes on!

7. SHINee's Pepero Kiss Game on stage

You can play the game with any gender. Guy & guy, girl & girl is accepted!

Hope you enjoyed the hot and steamy rounds of Pepero Kisses! Tune in next week on my YouTube channel to learn more about everything Korean :)

