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20 Useful Korean Phrases for Tourists


20 Useful Korean Phrases for Tourists

Learn these 20 phrases to survive your next trip in Korea!

  1. 안녕하세요.
  2. 저는 ______ 입니다.
    Juhneun ______ ipnida.
    My name is ______.
    Simply fill in the blank with your name.
  3. 영어 하세요?
    Yonguh haseyo?
    Do you speak English?
  4. 맛있어요!
    It’s delicious!
  5. 천천히 말씀해 주세요.
    Chunchunhee malsseumhae juseyo.
    Please talk slower.
  6. 지하철역 어디있어요?
    Jihachulyuk uhdi issuhyo?
    Where is the subway station?

    Anytime you want to know where something is, fill in the blank with your desired noun:
    ______ 어디있어요?
    ______ uhdi issuhyo?
    Where is the _____?

    화장실 어디있어요?
    Hwajangshil uhdi issuhyo?
    Where is the restroom?

    버스 정류장 어디있어요?
    Bbuhsseu jungryujang uhdi issuhyo?
    Where is the bus station?

    병원 어디있어요?
    Byungwon uhdi issuhyo?
    Where is the hospital?
  7. 도와주세요.
    Please help me.
  8. 경찰에 신고해 주세요.
    Gyungchalae shingohae juseyo.
    Please call the police.
  9. 의사 필요해요.
    Uisa pilyohaeyo. 
    I need a doctor.
  10. 여기 어디에요?
    Yuhgi uhdiyaeyo?
    Where am I?
    (For details on asking for and understanding directions, check out Korean Phrases #16.)
  11. 지도 그려 주실 수 있어요?
    Jido geuryuh jushil soo issuhyo?
    Can you draw me a map?
  12. 택시 불러 주세요.
    Tekshi bulluh juseyo.
    Please call a taxi for me.
  13. 공항으로 가주세요.
    Gonghangeuro gajuseyo.
    Please take me to the airport.

    But what if you want to go somewhere else? You can fill in the blank with other nouns:
    _______으로 가주세요.
    _______euro gajuseyo.
    Please take me to _______.
  14. 얼마에요?
    Ulma aeyo?
    How much is it?
    (To learn how to count Korean money, watch KWOW episode 78.)
  15. 계산해 주세요.
    Gyesanhae juseyo.
    Check, please.
  16. 카드 받으세요?
    Kadeu badeuseyo?
    Do you accept credit cards?
  17. 영수증 주세요.
    Yongsujoong juseyo.
    Please give me a receipt.

    You can fill in the blank with other nouns:
    ______ 주세요.
    ______ juseyo.
    Please give me ______.

    물 주세요.
    Mool juseyo.
    Please give me water.

    반찬 더 주세요.
    Banchan duh juseyo.
    Please give me more side dishes.

    소주 주세요.
    Banchan juseyo.
    Please give me soju.
  18. 네.
    (“Ne” is the formal way of saying “yes.”)
  19. 아니요.
  20. 감사합니다.
    Thank you.